Arsene talks the talk, Jay walks the walk, Almunia finished?

I’m going to start at the end and share what Arsene Wenger said after the game when questioned about Fabregas.

There was a lot of unneeded talk, It is not pleasant to read this every day. Now, the story has to stop.

Cesc is our captain, he is so important to us and we want to keep him, that is why we were not listening to any offers.

It was not a problem of money, just the desire to keep him at the club.

We can only influence our own behaviour, and I believe things have now gone straight again with Sandro Rosell. We always had a consistent attitude and were always reluctant to talk about Cesc’s departure.

It is very important we give the impression that because somebody wants a player from us, we don’t just give in on.

We have shown our love and care for Cesc since the start. I believe Cesc loves the club, has shown his attachment to the club many times and I am very confident the story will end there. We want Cesc to be part of our club next year, and that is it.

What we want is to build a team for the future, to develop our team and are not in any talks for next year or the year after – we want our players to be focused on the targets we have at the Club.

So it seems Cesc is here to stay, well, for another season anyway, but be prepared to go through all this again each transfer window until Barca finally get their man! That is of course, unless Wenger sorts this current squad out and turns it into a winning side! Do that and the player may just want to stay on, especially if Jose turns the screw on Pep this season.

Was it just my stream or everyone’s who signed up for the Β£3 deal with There I was, 2.55pm having bought some fancy lead so I could watch the match from my laptop on the television but after ten minutes I thought I was going to have a seizure, no offence intended… Shocking coverage, just shocking!!

Yesterday’s game really was a ‘game of two halves’ – the second half saw a whole new eleven turn out.

Arsenal starting XI: Fabianski, Nordtveit, Vermaelen, Koscielny, Traore, Frimpong, Rosicky, Wilshere, Arshavin, Simpson, Emmanuel-Thomas..

First half I thought, Simpson, Frimpong and Wilshire shone from the ‘non regulars’ Arshavin and Tomas looked cool calm and fresh, ready for a season of hard work ahead..

Β Simpson (2) and Arshavin (1) were the goal scorers.

If it were up to me, Jay Simpson would stay, yes it was Barnet, yes it was a friendly BUT the biggest yes is, Yes, he scores and he seems to know where the goal is…

Why oh why has this lad been told to find another club? He loves Arsenal, I think many fans already love him too, he really could be ‘the next Ian Wright’!

Not suggesting for one minute he’d be the first striker on the team sheet, but he has power pace and an eye for goal, is that not the qualities of a decent striker, a player who could come off the bench and gets us a goal??

Arsenal’s second-half XI: Mannone, Eastmond, Djourou, Miquel, Gibbs, Lansbury, Henderson, Nasri, Barazite, Walcott, Chamakh

Second half was dull, Walcott did ok, Chamakh didn’t have a fantastic half, but who cares, first game in an Arsenal shirt, I’m sure as the games get going and become more serious, so will he. Same for Djourou, finally got to see him back and without a bandage heavily strapped around his knee, he looked fit and comfortable on the ball, seems promising…

Nasri finished off after a hand out from the Barnet defence, 4-0 to us.

83 mins on the clock and the fans sing… Arsene Arsene give us a wave, me, I’d be asking him to give us more than a wave, a player or two would be better greeted than a bloomin wave… πŸ˜‰

Difficult game for all three goal keepers, they had very little to do, in fact I’m not sure Chesney even touched the ball? Or did I just blink and miss it?

Talking of keepers, what about Almunia then, having been named in the 22 man squad for the Barnet game, he’s suddenly missing – my thought is he’s off and he knows it – instead of being at Barnet, he’s sorting out his future and that future is no longer with us… Why would Chesney be wearing the number 1 shirt otherwise, or is that me just hoping πŸ™‚

But for Almunia I think its over, nice chap butΒ average keeper, all the best Big Al….

On to rumours, Everton have turned down a Β£14M offer from us for Phil Jagielka but it’s suspected that Wenger will up his offer this coming week. Good!! Also, if we want the kid from Ipswich it will cost us Β£10M, surely that Β£10M would be better spent elsewhere?

Have a good day all, not long to wait for the next game πŸ™‚

250 Responses to Arsene talks the talk, Jay walks the walk, Almunia finished?

  1. rico says:

    Morning all…

  2. Erick says:

    Morning Folks nice to see a winning start from the boys Wilshere must be staying 10 players joining on monday seems it will be a full house

  3. Erick says:

    Rico howdy πŸ™‚

  4. rico says:

    Morning Erick, ten players πŸ™‚

  5. rico says:

    Who was missing from yesterday,


  6. rico says:

    Oh, and Eduardo, where was he?? Do we think that Dudu and Almunia are on their way??

  7. dats says:

    Apparently Almunia has a virus.

  8. LB says:

    Rico, you forgot many others!!


  9. LB says:

    Oh, and Vela.

  10. rico says:

    LB, bloomin heck, I did, forgot all about the defensive πŸ™‚ Bit like Wenger really….

  11. LB says:

    By the way, this year we have almost everyone fit at the start unlike the last two years.

  12. Erick says:

    True ten it is Rico thanks LB

  13. rico says:

    How many of those yesterday are ready to be in the first team squad, from the non first teamers i mean πŸ˜‰

  14. rico says:

    dats, you believe that? I don’t…

  15. adam says:

    Koscielny looked quick but, considering the opposition, slightly worrying positionally. I think he will be bedded in slowly as the thought of him playing PL football immediately would make me nervous. Frimpong looked like he has all the tools for the first team. Interesting that Wenger says no to Schwartzer. I hope this doesn’t mean what it could mean.

  16. Pat7 says:

    Morning Rico & all!

    I thought it was my internet provider over here where we’ve had problems. Mine stuttered several times possibly 5+ during the match but I’m used to that, even in France. Are you saying this happened to you & it was ATVO?

    They said Al was injured but you picking up that Chesney was wearing the No1 shirt fairly rules that one out & favours AW’s thoughts that he will be our No1 in the not too distant future.

  17. LB says:

    I figure Lansbury, Eastmond and Wilshere are the most ready. Don’t know about JET.

  18. arsenal fan says:

    when is ramsey going to get 100% fit

  19. Pat7 says:

    I think Vela was injured in his last game for Mexico.

  20. Erick says:

    Denilson injured and Ramsey only hope we can maintain that

  21. rico says:

    Pat, it was dreadful, when i watched through the tv from ATVO, i honestly thought it need one of those warnings for people who suffer from Epilepsy…

    dreadful 😦

  22. Danny says:

    I for one think those two elevens, without those yet to join up are quite a good reflection of this squad’s strength.

    It is always dangerous when the club allow the likes of Gallas and Silvestre to move on in the same summer, but there is a freshness to squad now. Wenger has said he is active still and considering the weight of his transfer comments this close-season that would seem to be completely credible.

    Only Manchester City in the whole world of football would currently, at the foot of pre-season be totally comfortable with their dealings. So paitience may be required, but the signs are good.

  23. Erick says:

    Vela is ok he was due to feature at the Wc if the went throught didn’t watch the game Rico so I can’t say much

  24. rico says:

    adam, i think both he and chamakh will make gradual progress, two games in austria now then the emirates cup, they should be near to ready.

    JD looked pretty good, but then its hard to judge against barnet, no disrespect meant..

  25. rico says:

    What about Jay Simpson?? Where to go for him?

  26. Erick says:

    Danny Echo Aw means business and with Chesney wearing number one we may be in the market for a keeper

  27. rico says:

    LB, i’m not sure about JET yet either…

    Frimpong going to be good, very good πŸ™‚

  28. Erick says:

    Rico the Emirates cup will be the ultimate measure but every game no matter the level say alot about the squad

  29. rico says:

    Danny, at least wenger has ruled out scwarzer πŸ™‚

  30. rico says:

    It will Erick and at least its televised rather than online…

    Looking forward to it too, all bar Cesc and Robin will be back. Almunia will still have Flu, Nikki and Ramsey in the physio room, probably with Vela …

  31. Pat7 says:

    Beggars can’t be choosers Rico πŸ™‚ out here. I even enquired about Sky & you need a 4.2metre dish which costs Β£1000 to install with all the concrete etc besides the rental…………..

  32. agirlagunner says:

    Hello, all! I haaate ATVO. I couldn’t see a thing. To think I rushed to go home to watch the match. Grrrr.

    If we are to win anything this season, it’s imperative that we address the GK situation. And I don’t think Schwarzer is the answer. Just a change of nationality, but he’ll be a waiter still, rico.

    Hola, Erick. Good to catch you, finally. πŸ™‚

  33. Erick says:

    Vela is Ok am sure we will see alot from him this season I hear there was a banner with a message to the Stains Rico any pics

  34. LB says:

    I didn’t see the game yesterday and I haven’t seen Frimpong for a while. But when I saw him, maybe a year or more ago, he looked darn good to me. He’s tenacious and has great skills for a defensive midfielder (I think that’s what he is). He looked to be a bit of a Lassana Diarra, hopefully without the lack of manners.

  35. rico says:

    Pat, thats such a rip off 😦

  36. Erick says:

    Lb πŸ™‚ Agag whats up missed you its been a while hope everything is good πŸ™‚ Frimpong seems to be getting rave reviews nice nice no more Denilson

  37. Pat7 says:

    agag – It’s only occasionally I get a stream that I can see the numbers to know who is on the ball at any time – you get to recognise their styles/inabilities to know who it is πŸ™‚ like who falls over and acts, who takes the ball too far etc. Occasionally I get an English commentary………..

  38. rico says:

    hi agag – same here, wish i hadnt bothered

    Erick – just tried to find you a banner from yesterday, the laptop froze so i came away from the site – sorry

  39. Pat7 says:

    Erick – I thought Frimpong & JET were the stand out players of the kids & influenced 1st half results whereas Lansbury etc didn’t do much for me……

  40. rico says:

    LB, if Frimpong plays in the next two games and plays like he did yesterday, i would rather he is Songs deputy and not Eastmond or Denilson…

    Its hard on a pc though to see things quite right, there’s a picture of him towering over Arshavin :)Well, hes a bit taller..

  41. Erick says:

    Thanks Rico we will find it saw the story in Espn but its Xrated so it will be difficult with our current speeds here I don’t bother its hectic

  42. rico says:

    agag, wenger has said we are no longer looking at scwarzer, i think its starting to look more like handanovic or chesney for next season…

  43. Pat7 says:

    You’ve been spoilt Rico. I’ve come from only managing to see them on the occasional ITV appearance & MOTD so although it’s frustrating especially when your stream drops out and you miss the rest of the match…

  44. rico says:

    i suspect we’ll see it again Erick πŸ˜‰

  45. Erick says:

    Pat7 am desperate for someone who can cover Song am not so confident with Denilson or Diaby How was Theo ?

  46. agirlagunner says:

    Pat7, ATVO is regularly choppy, but last night, it was impossible. You’re right though, without even having to squint and peer at the monitor, you know who’s been dispossessed of the ball (Denilson), who trips over (Eboue πŸ™‚ ), who runs into a cul-de-sac and does nothing about it (Theo) etc., makes a wayward pass (Sagna), etc. Oh we all know our players well. Haha.

    Erick, I’m good. Busy bee. How’s school? Keep away from suspicious plants, okay?

  47. Erick says:

    Am hoping we get to meet the stains it will be there Rico πŸ™‚

  48. Pat7 says:

    That sounds like we’ve got our keeper then & Fabianski & Mannone are the back up plan. Could be 😦 or πŸ™‚ but it leaves more dough for a DMF , CB & maybe a decent winger who can put the ball on Chamakh’s head etc πŸ™‚

  49. Pat7 says:

    agag – I was thinking of Diaby when I made that comment πŸ™‚ and I can just about tell the difference between him and Theo πŸ™‚

  50. Erick says:

    Agag nice to hear your Ok School is getting tight as the semester progresses but RA the scholar has been helping me out with tie assignment What plants are you talking about πŸ˜‰ I use the holy herb:-) Pat7 spot on we need decent crosses to Chamaka and Nikky we need goals from every position

  51. amso says:

    I think we need another CB and GK 2 win EPL

  52. Pat7 says:

    Erick – Theo didn’t have a bad start but seemed to have the same flaws & the Barnet players had a fair bit of success on him. The passes he got across were to the far post where we had nobody………..can’t really call that his fault – we have a failing in not getting enough players in the box with this 4-3-3 system or maybe it’s the players don’t gamble becuse it’s rare for the cross to come over………..

  53. rico says:

    Hi amso, at least those i think…

    Pat, sometimes last season i wished i wasn’t watching πŸ˜‰

  54. Danny says:


    The keeper situation and Wenger’s comments do seem to signal all the right intent. Almunia has been a good servant, but loyalty alone cannot secure a top clubs number one jersey and unless he is to remain categorically in a bench role, there is surely no way he should remain at the club.

    Sometimes I scare myself, but I am going to be positive that his time as number one has come and gone.

    What would be amazing and now is beginning to seem possible is that one or two of JET, Wilshere, Lansbury, Barazite or Frimpong are now ready to step up from the much heralded youth team and become first team stars. Maybe it is just pre-season optimism but surely this will be that year.

    On a another note and possibly taking all this positivity a little far, is it looks like the under the radar capture of Chamakh could be the missing cog in the squad. A willing runner and a real front man. Not bundles but a touch of pace and even more class, he looks like the kind who could replace the void left by Adebayor and possible open up our probing attacking play. If not at least with ten minutes to go, looking for a goal we have a partner for Bendtner to crash a defensive house down.

  55. agirlagunner says:

    I’m happy Wenger sees nothing in Schwarzer, rico. πŸ™‚

    Erick, work’s been awful actually, but if I keep saying I’m good, I might actually believe it. Power of suggestion and all that. πŸ™‚ Good to hear, RA’s been helping you. Math stuff? Ick. Just drink your shakies; keep off “holy herb”, whatever that may be.

    Pat7, one can only hope that Diaby develops a footballing brain… Haha. I am being harsh.

  56. rico says:

    Chamakh might just be the man to get on the far post as he gets used to our style, he has a good strong header on him, so we just might be surprised. We are though hoping it doesn’t take him too long to settle in…

  57. rico says:

    you and me both agag, i think its a sign of desperation when scwarzer seems to be better than what we have, well it was for me πŸ™‚

  58. Erick says:

    Danny am hoping for a great keeper we can’t win the league with Average Pat7 Theo is an inch away from being the real deal he needs to listen Agag the shakie are cooler by the day am sorry about work but the bills got to get paid talking of RA was he watching Golf or F1 Rico or he is back on the spread sheet

  59. rico says:

    You never really know with RA Erick, he is a man with many things on the go, he likes to call it multi-tasking, but men can’t do that πŸ˜‰

  60. Pat7 says:

    …a few more inches than that Erick but with someone on the field to return the aggresion for him, he might be good. Capello & all seem to see more in him so they (the professionals) can’t all be wrong.

  61. Erick says:

    Rico πŸ™‚ he must be super tired may be he over slept

  62. amso says:

    rico now our time to shain coz we have players who their blood is arsenal.Weraaaaaaaaaa

  63. Danny says:

    Agree Rico, the lad should be ok settling. He is after all french speaking, but more importantly the Bordeaux side he led the attack so well played a similarly technical style.

    I guess the obligatory couple of early goals could make all the difference. I am quietly confident he has the goods and his elegant link up play may just cheer the miserable little Russian slouch up too.

    Whisper it, but is this lad Berbatov with work ethic and the physical attributes to boot.

    Couldn’t help myself, tried to keep it inside but it just leapt out!

  64. agirlagunner says:

    Shame, I didn’t get to see anything. I’d have wanted to see Chamakh’s first game.

    I have yet to meet a male who can multi-task, rico and Erick. And no, drinking beer while watching football does not count. πŸ™‚

  65. Erick says:

    Pat7 but JJ say he is rubbish and he is never wrong πŸ™‚

  66. rico says:

    Danny πŸ™‚ he’s much better than the toff πŸ˜‰

    Erick, dont believe, jj is always wrong, its me who’s always right, especially about Theo…. πŸ˜‰

    A fit season and Theo will prove his critics wrong…

  67. rico says:

    agag, top comment, beer and watching football πŸ˜†

  68. rico says:

    Wenger needs to sort Jags out – up his offer and get the man…

  69. Erick says:

    Danny nice observation can’t argue with that but the work Ethic is what counts Agag thats harsh RA does it everyday and I also chew gum while crossing the zebras πŸ˜‰ Rico JJ or you now am confused πŸ™‚

  70. Erick says:

    Other sites are saying its crap Rico

  71. rico says:

    what, the Jags rumour Erick??

  72. K-TR7 says:

    Morning all.AA looked on the right track and this might turn out to be a big season for him.TR7 looked alright as he big jack and frimpong bossed proceedings.sometime ago i suggested that if c.kaka and rvp play together c.kaka will play in between the LCB and LB where he can make darting diagonal runs to make near/far post headers.we’ll have to wait and see though…

  73. Erick says:

    Yap Rico the Jag rumour and another stain is opening his unbrushed mouth they should all sod off

  74. agirlagunner says:

    Danny, your description of Chamakh is making me hate ATVO even more… The next two telecasts had better be sorted out. 😦

    πŸ™‚ Erick, exactly our point Erick. What’s been crap.

    rico, I really wish for all our sakes that Theo comes through… He’s certainly kept us waiting. πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰

  75. Erick says:

    How Eng K-tr7 Niaje leo the formation might give us the counter attacks we needs am hoping AA will sort his act out

  76. K-TR7 says:

    Rico i hope you’re right on be honest the only reason i have hope for him is because AW seems to see something in him that i don’t.he looks great at full throttle in open games but can he play vs park the bus opponents?i don’t think he has the ability to but i hope am wrong.

  77. agirlagunner says:

    Howdy, KT? πŸ™‚

  78. Erick says:

    You Ladies are hard on us πŸ™‚ Agag the Jagielka rumour is being dismissed by other sites but lets wait and see then

  79. trugun says:

    Hi all,
    have tried to watch games with ATVO for three years now, all with the same crap reception you’ve had, but, yesterday was absolutely spot on, not one break and picture definition great. In the past I’ve been realy close to heaving the pooter out the window, and have spent ages fiddling about with the different permutations ATVO provide for so called optimum reception, next game I will probably see stuff all but in three years I have now seen one good game picture wise and its only cost me Β£3.99 a month, result?????

  80. K-TR7 says:

    Erick niko poa;shwari kabisa!after 5 minutes of the game you could see AA’s worth.AA,wilshere and morzart triangle tormented barnet.i have always trusted in AA erick despite his antics since i believe he is a balon’dor player.

  81. rico says:

    Morning KT, i’m always right, justt jj doesn’t believe me… yet πŸ˜‰

    sadly though Erick, that stain is probably right….

  82. K-TR7 says:

    Hola agag.its been a long time since we had our last chat.i’m fine.i’m studying alot since my exams are near and after that i’ll be in here helping rico out.

  83. rico says:

    hurah, glad to hear it KT πŸ™‚ dont forget though, wordpress πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  84. agirlagunner says:

    Jagielka would be a good signing, Erick, but is he really worth that much?

    Which stain are we talking about now, rico? Too many of them, and one opens his mouth barely before one has shut up. Fuggy, fume-y, stains.

    KT, good luck on your exams. My, a lot of you are still in school! We’ll wait for your write-ups. πŸ™‚

    Trugun, good for you. The one game I saw on ATVO which streamed perfectly— we lost. 😦

  85. Suhail.TV says:

    Morning all…. Problem 1 solved – cesc saga now one more..
    hello agag what are suspicious plants..

  86. Erick says:

    Wazi K-tr7 ulikataa kunichapia uko mtaa ngani laking poa AA still have doubt about him not his ability but his attitude am hoping am wrong Rico right or wrong he should shut his mouth and Aw should start look for a replacement 😦

  87. rico says:

    agag, thats the price because he is english and its wrong imho, the next england ch pairing with cahill/dawson, toffees know they can ask what they want, doesn’t mean we have to pay it though πŸ™‚

    the long haired yob is the one speaking this morning agag

  88. Suhail.TV says:

    KT/Eric got in to full speed.. I did’nt quite started yet 😦

  89. DeiseGooner says:

    just watched the ATVO full match a day later. Good run out for th elads in that exceptional new kit mmmmmmnice.

    Good to see Rosicky Gibbs and Djourou back, lets hope it stays that way eh!!

    No way ne need Joe Cole with Jackie boy in our ranks, Bolton you aint gettin him on loan, sorry!

    Frimpong looks a beast, i got a fright when someone pointed out it was him in that preseason training montage did they other day. Essien MKII? Sorry no need for that at this stage, but keep it up Frimpy πŸ™‚

    Another monster JET – just need to find him a position now so he can kick on….

    Wenger says no No1 yet but hes lookin….hurry up Sir. Maybe we have seen the last of Almunia? i hope so.

  90. Erick says:

    Hi Stv she is talking about the ‘holy herb’ Agag Puyol I read somewhere he act porno movies because of his hair style

  91. Suhail.TV says:

    I did’nt see any one with such hair style yet eric ;(

  92. rico says:

    Hi DG, i like Frimpong, sounds pompass of me, but not meant to be, but I always have and bleated on about him here for yonks

    Denilson, Eastmond or Frimpong???

    Jay Simpson, those who watched, stay or go???

    Personally I’d rather Frimpong and would love Simpson to get a season on the bench at least…

  93. rico says:

    Hi STV, didn’t see you sneak in there πŸ™‚

  94. Suhail.TV says:

    Ping Pong… again rico,… how he fared yestr day?

  95. Erick says:

    Its realy going to be a tough decision to see which youngunz get the nod to join the senior team Me too Stv he is a mad man

  96. rico says:

    he was good stv, got stuck in and wasn’t afraid, hope he gets another game on wednesday…

    wonder if yesterdays stats are anywhere… we know we all love stats, well, denilson does, they make him look good πŸ˜‰

  97. Suhail.TV says:

    Hi rico.. but where re U

  98. Suhail.TV says:

    .. and stats were unfair on eboooie

  99. K-TR7 says:

    I’m glad we didn’t get smalling.he seems to make an error each game.khedira is off to madrid.

  100. rico says:

    stv, where am i? or where play Frimpong?

  101. Erick says:

    Red nose says he is happy with Smalling debut KT am waiting to see how RM will line up Vidic may be a target too

  102. rico says:

    KT, but its his first real test isn’t it, i didn’t see smalling but was he dreadful or just looking rusty?

  103. agirlagunner says:

    Hola, STV. Erick knows a fair bit about plant species. Haha. Hello, DG.

    Puyol looks so unkempt and like he smells bad. πŸ˜‰ For players who aren’t all that great, Puyol and Pique act like such superduperstars. I would love to see Madrid beat the stains next year and I really hope Barca go belly up; bankruptcy is no less what they deserve.

  104. K-TR7 says:

    Rico ever since smalling was announced as a manc last season he has made a whole host of errors.SAF seems to know how to train defenders though…he is still young too…

  105. rico says:

    agag, i feel banckrupcy for the stains is getting closer by the day, add to that the new Real Madrid era that looms, they are doomed πŸ™‚

    Glad we didn’t get him then KT…

  106. K-TR7 says:

    Spot on agag.theres also a reason why SAF let him go.he is slower than cesc for a cb and would be eaten alive in the pl.the spanish league suits him to the ground though since barca dominate all their games and he is rarely tested.i wouldn’t be surprised if they start sniffing around vermy when the old warrior starts slowing down…

  107. DeiseGooner says:

    Barcelona/Catalunia/Spain wont allow Barca to go bankrupt…government will help them out just like they do Real. They are far too big an export.

  108. rico says:

    Maybe FIFA could plonk a transfer embargo on them for five years, that should stop them going bankrupt DG πŸ™‚

  109. rico says:

    News is coming in that Barca are going to offer a final deal or no deal 40M for cesc….

    i feel a ‘no deal’ will be winging its way back to spain…

  110. Suhail.TV says:

    el captano’s amiogos untoleraable..

  111. agirlagunner says:

    More’s the pity, DG. πŸ™‚ But I had a good laugh over Barca’s inability to pay players last month. Hahaha.

    rico, ten years seems a fairer penalty. πŸ™‚

    KT, I wouldn’t put it past Barca to tap TV5 up. They are certainly obsessed about our players. I just wish they were after Denilson, Diaby, et al., instead.

  112. rico says:

    I’m off for a bit guys and gals, back later πŸ™‚

  113. rico says:

    agag, deal, ten years πŸ™‚

    laters all

  114. K-TR7 says:

    AA and nasri looked slimmer vs barnet.i hope thats a good sign.i also thought i saw those GPS devices on the chests of our players.heres hoping for an injury free season especially rvp.rvp-cesc-AA-chamakh is as good and balanced attacking unit as any.lets hope our defence gets all mean like the kozzer.

  115. K-TR7 says:

    Henry has said he would love to come back at the club in any capacity even as a ballboy…legend!

  116. DeiseGooner says:

    Hey K- maybe he can wear a sharp 3-piece suit like Becks at the world cup? or maybe he can become understudy to Vic and take over as kitman? πŸ™‚

    Well hes got a few seasons in the MLS so hel have plenty of time to get his coaching badges in order….then wel see about a job for him …

  117. agirlagunner says:

    Why are Liverpool spending big? Aren’t they neck-deep in doodoo?

    KT, off season and WC mean fewer players and less packed lunches for AA and Sami to steal from. πŸ™‚ Maybe AA can finally get over his indifferent form last year and get raring and ready to go this season. I dare not hope that RvP goes through this season without a lengthy layoff. I’d be disappointed for sure.

  118. Suhail.TV says:

    There was a spanish waiter but, agag..

  119. K-TR7 says:

    Chamakh will do what ade did for us in 07-08 season.he will occupy the cbs allowing rvp,AA and cesc space to do what they do best.i really hope rvp is over his freak injuries which usually come when he is reaching top form.the dutch didn’t utilise him but we all know when he puts on our shirt we see a mix of henry and DB10 rattling crossbars,flicking through balls…all over the place.with chamakh dealing with the cbs he will have less physical battles and hopefully fewer injuries.

  120. K-TR7 says:

    Deise to be honest i don’t think henry has what it takes to be a top level coach.i think bergkamp seems more likelier of the two to be our manager.

  121. DeiseGooner says:

    The Chamakh Attack

    ——- Chamakh ——-
    –Arshavin —– Van P–

    ——- Cesc ——-

    ——- Bendtner ——-
    –Rosicky—– Theo–

    ——- Nasri ——-

  122. SPECTRUM says:

    “At the moment, in pre-season, there is no No. 1 – you have to give a chance to everyone to show how good he is.”
    That is Wenger speaking about the goalkeeping situation at the club.Does anyone else find this statement incredible ? “Give a chance to EVERYONE ( that would include Almunia and Fabianski ! ) to show HOW GOOD he is.” You mean Wenger isn’t yet convinced these two are useless, and is prepared to let them “prove” themselves all over again ? As the old saying goes ; “There are none so blind as those who will not see”.
    “In Arsene we rust”.

  123. Suhail.TV says:

    KT, I’d really like to see a midfield trio of nasri song cesc with 3 good players offensively and defensively. nasri as right forward is not so good,.. and what abt RVP at that position his old and usual pos..

    Then a probable XI would be something like..

    ..Arsh Chmk RVp..

    ..Nsri Song Ces..

    .Gbs TV Kosi Sag.


    changes on transfers..

  124. DeiseGooner says:

    He doesnt need to be first team coach K-. Theres plenty of places in the youth /reserves setup – and going by a few stories there have been a couple of departures from the coaching staff recently – anyway that 2-5 years away…

  125. Erick says:

    Spectrum πŸ™‚ may be it means he is in the market for a new keeper relax Dg and KT you guys are already enjoying the unstoppable attack of the Arsenal am smiling at the moment

  126. DeiseGooner says:

    now if we just sort out the defensive unit – and it needs to be a unit not a bunch of strangers like we have look at times last season …….

  127. Erick says:

    Stv then Nasir will have to up his defensive game but the competition in midfield is intresting

  128. Erick says:

    DG it depends on how the new CH partners with TV and Djorou and Kos need to be ready any time any where

  129. Suhail.TV says:

    …vela Bentner TW14..

    .tr7 frnpon wlshr/rmbo…

    clichy nrdviet Dj ebui


  130. DeiseGooner says:

    And that midfield/attack doesnt even include Wilshere, Vela, Ramsey or Eduardo

    If we then got Jakielka say, for the DM role next to Song…supported by Ramsey, Denilson & Diaby

    ooohhhh i love pre season dreaming

  131. DeiseGooner says:

    Then we are just a big Sol for 1 more season and a new No1 keeper away from being quite a nice summer…… πŸ™‚

    im off to lie down!

  132. Erick says:

    Too much for you DG enjoy the nap may be when your back a keeper or CH will have signed

  133. Suhail.TV says:

    ..all these are just some HO.s. need to strengthen in 2/3 areas.. spect, hope no rusting.

  134. Suhail.TV says:

    Now arsenal SHOULD WIN THE LEAGUE.. Boys.. Get ready.. πŸ™‚

  135. K-TR7 says:

    As we are chatting here i can see we actually have a big squad especially attackingwise!if we get more defensive cover id say thats big a squad as you’ll see…we may have wanted villa but rvp is the alphamale of our attack like torres for dippers,drogs for chavs and rooney for the mancs.chamakh will prove to be a masterstroke since he won’t threaten rvp’s status which would cause dutchesque disharmony but he will be the ‘indian’ of our attack which will bring about balance.we’ll also have plan A and B on the pitch at the same time…

  136. Erick says:

    Stv am ready as you are I believe we need to brush aside the Mancs , spanks the Chavs and karate kick the dippers Mancity will need a poke in the eye and spuds will need a pee from us KT who can argue with that top comment

  137. SPECTRUM says:

    Erick – Those were his words.How else can we interpret them ?
    – “Give a chance to EVERYONE”. And – “to show HOW GOOD he is”.

    “In Arsene we rust”.

  138. K-TR7 says:

    Erick we have a good squad which we may fail to see.Barca have quite a small squad and they happen to have luck in terms of injuries.messi and xavi barely get injured unlike rvp and cesc for us.

  139. Erick says:

    True Spectrum but alot can be read from it I have a feeling we will have a new keeper keep the faith Mate am also frustrated but hoping is all we can do

  140. Erick says:

    With a full squad KT we can beat the spains anyday but Mancity will be a threat this season that for sure

  141. Red Arse says:

    Hi Everybody,

    How is it going? All well I hope! πŸ™‚

    I am totally against ATV as I think it is just a money maker for Mr Kroenke who owns it. 😦

    However, I have to admit my reception was very good. I am used to High Definition TV so it was not that good, but acceptable. πŸ™‚

    Suhail, Barazite was very handsome but he has cut his hair so all his flowing locks have gone. πŸ˜€

  142. K-TR7 says:

    Man city are quite amusing erick.they are chasing balotelli/dzeko when they have 6 strikers,they bought toure when they had viera,de jong and barry as dms.they bought silva when they have loads of wingers.what they are doing isn’t smart buying but maybe it’ll work out.

  143. i know ra must be a new regime about the hair all of them had short back and side’s

  144. Erick says:

    Ra how are you doing Mate hope all is good didn’t get to watch the match but have been getting reviews

  145. Red Arse says:


    I did not take much notice of the others, but now I think about it you are right. It’s just that Suhail mentioned yesterday how nice Barazite was, so I kept an eye out for her. πŸ˜‰

  146. Erick says:

    Rsd howdy footballers always have a thing for hair styles

  147. rosicky lansbury jet maybe wenger has a club hair dresser now

  148. Red Arse says:

    Hi Erick,

    It seems the reception wasn’t v. good for many people so you were probably wise not to bother.

    The fist half was excellent. Arshavin and Wilshere linked up beautifully and as mentioned Frimpong Pingpong was also highly focussed.

    Wilshire must stay with our first team next season. He is ready NOW. πŸ™‚ Frimpong is not very tall but he is v. strong. Hopefully he is over all the injury problems he has had over the last two seasons. πŸ™‚

  149. you see puyol has been shooting his mouth of again

  150. Red Arse says:


    I’m getting worried. Maybe I will be the only one left in the UK with long hair.

    Well, actually I have always had long hair, down to my shoulders, so I will never get it cut. Couldn’t be bothered! πŸ˜›

  151. terry says:

    even our youngsters are better than denielson ….

  152. rosicky linkned up nicely an all would have like to seen them play against barnet in second half really

  153. Red Arse says:


    Nope, what did Puyol say?

    On second thoughts, don’t worry, I couldn’t give a monkeys what he says. πŸ™‚

  154. Red Arse says:

    Hippy sounds about right! πŸ™‚

  155. K-TR7 says:

    Howdy RA.Id rather wilshere stayed than cole coming in to be can see wilshere’s talent every time he plays.he reminds me of iniesta alot but i hope he can develop regular goal threat and stay clear of injuries…

  156. if you want to get pissed off but is the star if it true cesc is off

  157. K-TR7 says:

    Hi rsd.mozart is coming along nicely.i hope he can stay fit long enough for us to see his talent regularly.the thing i like most about him is that he seems is that he links up seamlessly with whoever he plays with especially cesc.

  158. cole defo not coming wenger said we have enough going forward plus liverpool are supposed to be signed up for 90k a week

  159. Erick says:

    Puyol is a mad man thats what he is mad πŸ™‚ RA Frimpong seems to have impressed . Henry reckons he is coming back to Afc as a water boy

  160. Red Arse says:

    Hi KT,

    I would be really upset if they let Wilshire go out on loan again.

    He really is a special talent and must be allowed to develop it in the Arsenal Wengerball style.

    I have neveer wanted Cole. He is an out and out mercenary, just selling himself to the highest bidder. There is a name for that!!!

  161. he is a bit special lets get a season out of him tho
    big jack must stay an all

  162. oliver says:

    ‘morning all. it would please me immeasurably if this actually means al is finished at the club, but…arsene did say he was ill. i thought the same thing when i saw who wore the number one jersey, but apparently it does not mean that much for pre-season. if it did, then seeing we had a number four out there (frimpong, i think), we will be selling cesc. i think arsene is still working in the market – everton seem to be the ones saying a jagielka bid has been kicked back – so i think we will still see a few more additions before august 15th.

  163. rico says:

    I think Cole’s wife may have different ideas about travelling up t’ norff

    hi rsd and RA

  164. Erick says:

    90k a week mmmh not worth it KT Rosicky is getting better hope he can do us proud he has it in him

  165. rico says:

    hi oliver, wenger said almunia was ‘sick’ when we all know he was dropped for flappy, he’s off i’m sure and right now he’s hopefully sorting out a deal with A.Madrid…

  166. K-TR7 says:

    RSD leave the caveman to the dark ages.he probably hasn’t heard of globalization yet…no wonder he thinks your home is only where you’re born.

  167. rico says:

    Erick, Tomas impressed more as last season went on, yesterday i thought he worked well with aa and jack really well.. big season ahead from him πŸ™‚

    so we leave for austria, who from that crop travel i wonder, all the WC players are going to meet up with the squad in austria, they can’t all play…??

  168. apparently cech media are reporting that they some spartak have bid 7.5 for dudu

    afternoon rico and everyone

  169. Red Arse says:


    You are probably with your family at the mo’, but I must say I had a fantastic evening last night.

    Having watched the Phillies/Cubs game on ESPN I then watched the Tampa/Yankees on a brilliant MLB double header. Great games too, tho’ results are only part of it! πŸ™‚

    AND, Tampa/Yankees are on again tonite. πŸ™‚ What joy!

  170. rico says:

    RA, you watching The Open?? What does John Daly look like πŸ™‚

  171. Erick says:

    Caveman KT πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  172. K-TR7 says:

    I agree rico.tomas works as hard as flamster and is so classy on the ball.last season he only lacked final product;he popped up with an assist yesterday so i hope its a sign of things to come.

  173. rico says:

    Wonder if its us rsd, swap deal for Juraj Kucka ??

  174. oliver says:

    i hope so. better for him, better for us. i think we are going to see several of the younger player we saw yesterday in the first team squad this coming season. obviously some of them will not get much playing time, but i expect that arsene will look to add depth from within – probably still try to fill the major holes through purchases, but i expect several younger players to fill out the squad.

  175. Red Arse says:

    Hi Ricolicious, πŸ™‚

    Sorry you had such rubbish reception for the game. It’s odd how Kroenke’s special is so wretched variable.

    You are correct about that 2nd half, it was pretty mediocre, but I was pleased with Henderson. He is tall, left footed and skilful, whereas Lansbury was his usual careless self. Mixed feelings!

  176. Erick says:

    RA how did Tiger do ?

  177. rico says:

    KT, he needs a great pre-season for himself, start the season full of confidence and we will see what tomas is really made of, if only we could get that keeper and CH we need this week, i think we will all then feel pretty confident going into the season..

  178. K-TR7 says:

    RA i have been impressed with henderson since the first time i saw him.lets hope he comes along nicely…

  179. sorry correction

    Croatian press reporting that Shakhtar Donetsk have bid €7.5m for Arsenal striker Eduardo

  180. Red Arse says:

    Rico, I am “multi-tasking” again. Flipping between the Open, a lunch time beer and your site! πŸ™‚

    Daly has slimmed down to a skinny 15 stone! πŸ™‚ He and his Missus are selling his “designer” Daly sweatshirts in the carpark. True!

  181. excpected to more from lansbury

  182. rico says:

    you stealing jj’s line’s RA, I’ll tell him ….

    second half was strange, the team seemed fragmented, i cant take much at all from the second half really other than Theo has learned to get a cross over the first defender finally, only to find no-one there…

    still, nothing that a bit of coaching can’t resolve, chamakh won’t take long to learn to be at the far post when Theo goes legging it down the wing πŸ™‚

  183. he has a mrs again thats dangerous for him the last lot put him in the car park selling that crap

  184. Erick says:

    Is it official Jol is Fulham next manager

  185. Red Arse says:


    Tiger finished -3 under last night. The leader Oosthuizen (?) finished -15 under, so Tiger is well off the pace. He started his final round 90 minutes ago so to early to say how he will go. (No chance in my opinion).

  186. never under estimate a sunday tiger but yeah no chance

  187. did ajax make the champions league this year?

  188. right back to hospital (a newborn)

    see you guys and girls later

  189. rico says:

    πŸ˜† RA

    rsd, thats a shame 😦

  190. rico says:

    Congrats rsd, hope little one is doing well and your better half of course πŸ™‚

  191. rico says:

    100/1 were his odds at the start RA, no chance, never in a month sundays πŸ™‚

    watch him win now πŸ˜‰

    off for an hour…

  192. Red Arse says:

    I’m surprised by all you logical analysers out there; KT, Oliver for e.g., that you haven’t yet discussed how the Arsenal squad will evolve for next season, given the new Premier League rules! πŸ™‚

    To remind you, starting next season,

    *a club’s first team squad is limited to 25 players over 21.

    * Only 17 players over 21 can be “foreign”.

    * 8 Players must be “home grown”. That is defined as a player, from whatever country, who was “developed” by the club in the 36 months prior to the season in which he became 21.

    * The club can have any number of players under 21 in the squad.

    I was thinking of writing an article for Rico on this because there are a number of questions arising along the “what if” line.

    e.g. What if a “foreign” player under 21 at the start of the season, reaches his majority and wants to stay at the club, does another player in the 25 man squad have to be sold? The squad can be altered during each transfer window, but what strategy will the clubs be forced into when buying/selling?

    At the moment Citeh will have to let about 10 senior (experienced) players go before the start of next season!

    Hmm …. maybe I should have developed an article, it could be interesting. Any takers? πŸ™‚

  193. Red Arse says:


    Congratulations! Another little Arsenal fan! πŸ™‚

  194. Red Arse says:

    Well, that’s stunned everybody to silence, got to go and get another beer.

    Later guys.

  195. Erick says:

    RA you seem the only capable of demystifying the new rules it us with a post I seem not to understand after help from jj, Rico, KT Agag etc etc

  196. Erick says:

    Hope the beer doesn’t get you multitasking

  197. oliver says:

    ra, i think arsenal will be fine – we have more than enough “homegrown” players available to fill out our squad. we can potentially have a larger squad than many other teams with talented under-21’s we have. as much as i disgreed with arsene using the domestic cups to give the younger players first-team experience, this seems to be the kind of situation he was looking towards, and hopefully it will pay off.

  198. agirlagunner says:

    Hello, RA, hippie. @2:18 sounds like a good article. I remember having read the text some months ago, but noting some very grey areas… Maybe you should spell it out for us.

    Or maybe oliver could. πŸ™‚

  199. rico says:

    Good idea, RA, a post on the new rules would go down a treat πŸ™‚ I expect it in twenty minutes πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  200. rico says:

    back in a bit πŸ˜‰

  201. K-TR7 says:

    The rules won’t harm us.they are tailor-made for our club to an extent you would suspect AW wrote them.

  202. Suhail.TV says:

    British open been a disappointing.. tiger with no chance.. hope casey will win it..

  203. Suhail.TV says:

    A Real Social Arsenal Dad..

  204. Red Arse says:

    Just watching Casey -10 under, 5 behind OOsterrooster -15.

    Thought came to me, I mentioned Ping Pong is not v.tall at 178 cms. In Inches, for Oliver and other US gooners that is 5′ 10″.

    Not small, but not tall. Not compared with us 188 cms guys. πŸ˜‰

  205. Suhail.TV says:

    Hello RA, good to see you back.. How was beers.. πŸ™‚

    That man’s name is tooo tough to remember.

  206. rico says:

    RA, where is my email πŸ™‚

  207. Suhail.TV says:

    and according to Rico,
    ping Pong is the future of arsenal midfield

  208. DeiseGooner says:

    So it looks likely that Eduardo is on his way out , to Shakhtar Donetsk it seems … so his disappearance from yesterdays squad may have been for that? Heres hoping the same applies to Almunia

  209. DeiseGooner says:

    so i reckon its gonna be no9 for VanP … maybe AA10 too?

  210. rico says:

    He sure is STV πŸ™‚

    DG, me too, but will be sad to see Eduardo go…

    I can’t see us getting Jags, Lescott went for 24M, Jags has to be worth more, i’m laening back again towards Cahill πŸ™‚

  211. rico says:

    Maybe thats why all the afc shops were closed the other day πŸ˜‰

  212. DeiseGooner says:

    Id be happy with Cahill too Rico – what kinda price would Bolton hold out for though?

  213. Erick says:

    Sad day for me I rate Dudu and I will always stand by my view we owed him another season great guy quality player and humble servant 😦 😦

  214. Suhail.TV says:

    Rico, The Encino man’s comments are really offensive like his hairs.. Why cant these ….s just shutt off their mouth.
    honestly I now feel cesc going is good provided the apt replacements… and you..??

  215. DeiseGooner says:

    I reckon it was the a close run thing between Vela and Dudu … and due to Dudus injury and Velas age it seems more prudent to stick with Vela

  216. Erick says:

    Stv am going to blow up if the next transfer window will be like this one we need a replacement

  217. Erick says:

    DG prudence or Wisdom Dudu deserves better until its official am going to keep the faith

  218. DeiseGooner says:

    The move could all be papertalk …. wo did stick with Rosicky for qhite a while … but them mqybe its not a physical thing with Dudu now but a phycological issue

  219. Suhail.TV says:

    VELA our VILLA.. AYE!!!

  220. Erick says:

    Dg the reason he did not get a run yesterday says something is fishy you know y should he go and am sure Aw will not replace him we need real depth in the squad

  221. rico says:

    Cahill price is 13M – thats more like what we would pay…

  222. rico says:

    Erick, i think dudu needs to move rather than wants to, he gets no protection here and he’s suffering mentally after that horror tackle 😦

  223. Red Arse says:

    Rico, have already got a post with you. No?

    Suhail, the beer was v. lovely, like you! Just took a longer time to drink than I thought. Too much yakety yack! πŸ™‚

    Erick, DG, my latest forecast is that Eduardo will still be with us next season. great little player! :=)

  224. Suhail.TV says:

    Can Dudu do what Dudu did Rico??

  225. Red Arse says:


    How ironic that ‘Arry is on the verge of buying Spartak Moscow GK Stipe Dippy, when he already has 5 really good keepers!

    I would like ‘Arry to mange us. He’s not my cup of tea, but he buys players for fun! πŸ™‚

  226. Red Arse says:


    Dudu can do! πŸ™‚

  227. rico says:

    stv πŸ˜†

  228. rico says:

    RA, you are on your own with that one πŸ˜‰

  229. Suhail.TV says:

    too much hopes may be :)RA,

    No, am affraid of Arry. his shivering is embrassing.. 😦

  230. Red Arse says:


    Are you referring to the post I sent you, or my Dudu forecast? πŸ™‚

  231. rico says:

    Arry!!! πŸ˜‰

    You sent me another post?? Not got it 😦

  232. Suhail.TV says:

    RA that was a rico’s headline prior to birmingham game.. πŸ™‚

  233. Red Arse says:


    I sent it Friday. You confirmed you had rec’d it.

    Will email you again, if it’s no good I would like to use it elsewhere. πŸ™‚

  234. rico says:

    Was it STV, i don’t remember that, your memory is far better than mine πŸ™‚ Mind you, your a lot younger πŸ˜‰

  235. rico says:

    Not that one, i have that ready and waiting for the right day πŸ˜‰ just mailed you about that, i thought you had sent another one re the new rules as per earlier few comments πŸ™‚

  236. Suhail.TV says:

    You are becomming a great.. “Post Man”… RA πŸ˜‰

  237. Suhail.TV says:

    Yes Rico.. and I remember you went out for shopping while blogging and made JJ bit felt by not bringing any thing. πŸ˜‰

  238. Erick says:

    RA you are giving us post after post hats off you mate drink another beer and thats on me πŸ™‚

  239. Suhail.TV says:

    ..and have a herb for me eric πŸ™‚

  240. Red Arse says:

    Erick, Suhail,

    You are both too kind. I just sit on my laptop and when you have all gone to bed (?) my fingers just fly over the keyboard. Mostly total rubbish! πŸ™‚

    I promise to stop.

    Do you remember that some Arsenal kids are playing in the U19’s for France, Holland and England on Eurosports, well it has just started. You can get it streamed live if you Google Eurosport.

    I am off to watch it. See you later. πŸ™‚

  241. Suhail.TV says:

    ..laters, mate.

  242. Erick says:

    Suhail you need a strong herb give me time πŸ™‚

  243. Suhail.TV says:

    Done for the day,bye all.. πŸ™‚

  244. rico says:

    STV, i remember now, but was it WATH who wanted a bacon buttie πŸ™‚

  245. rico says:

    Night STV, see you soon..

  246. rico says:

    Guys and Gals, I’m calling it a day too, see you all bright and early in the morning πŸ™‚

    Be good and stay safe, night night….

  247. Suhail.TV says:

    ok.. Rico, test for brain..
    good night.. πŸ™‚

  248. K-TR7 says:

    Night all…

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