Let’s hear it for the boys……..

Ok, its the kids time to turn it on, to play the Wenger way on a night when for some it will be the first time they have boarded a plane.. 😉

For some it may even be the first time they have had to use their ‘own’ passport and not the picture attached to their Mums ! 🙂

You know what, I can’t wait, this is not a game against the million dollar chavs, or the million dollar citeh, no it’s a game in the Champions League where they are representing the club they love, wearing the shirt they are proud to wear, and I am banking on them coming home full of grins, big chests and nothing other than pride…

Yes, they will be the true London Pride

Whoever plays will learn from this, they will get the liking of this game tonight and I am sure they will do us fans and the club proud….

Good luck you young ones, play your hearts out, show the world just why one of the greatest managers of all time believes in you….

Fill your boots, not your diapers 😛

205 Responses to Let’s hear it for the boys……..

  1. rico says:

    Woop Woop 😛 😛

  2. peachesgooner says:

    I love the snow rico – I remember from last year that by the time you get down the page a bit it stops 😦 😦

  3. peachesgooner says:

    Sorry, gonna read your post now …….

  4. rico says:

    Hi peaches,

    I stole the idea from LG back last year 😉 But G&P won’t mind I am sure 🙂

    Won’t take you too long to read 🙂

  5. peachesgooner says:

    Stirring stuff rico – I hope they all have a great game and come home uninjured 😛

    Sol Campbell wouldn’t really go to the mancs surely……

  6. rico says:

    I don’t know peaches, I surely hope not though..

  7. peachesgooner says:

    I might have to pop up to the training ground and have a word in his shell-like……….

    Its more likely that Arsene needs to have it pointed out to him that wouldn’t it be an idea to offer Sol the chance of playing for us a bit and then go somewhere else in the summer.

  8. peachesgooner says:

    Theo Vela and Wilshire up front

  9. rico says:

    Spot on peaches, not the Mancs 😦

    Off to settle down for the game…..

  10. peachesgooner says:

    The starting XI in full: Fabianski, Gilbert, Bartley, Silvestre, Cruise, Ramsey, Song, Merida, Walcott, Wilshere, Vela SUBS: Mannone, Coquelin, Eastmond, Ayling, Randall, Sunu

  11. avenell says:

    Hi rico thanks for the new post..

    May I ask what we have stolen from LG?

  12. Irishgunner says:

    Why start Song over Coquelin or Eastmond?

    21 year old experienced head in there Arsene? 😆

  13. rico says:

    The snow ave, the snow 😉

  14. Irishgunner says:

    No JET 😦

  15. Irishgunner says:

    Officially the youngest ever team in a CL, take that Ajax……

  16. Irishgunner says:

    Liverpool: Cavalieri, Darby, Skrtel, Agger, Insua, Aquilani, Mascherano, Benayoun, Gerrard, Dossena, Kuyt.

    Someone needs to tell Rafa Liverpool are out, c’mon injuries a plenty please

  17. avenell says:

    That’s what I thought rico.. Is it a setting? I thought it just happened as it has been snowing all around wordpress..

    Hi Irish ..

    C’mon you rip roarers!!

  18. rico says:

    Its a setting ave, found when teying to clear the email problem…

    Off to watch…

    Hi Irish

  19. Irishgunner says:

    Can;t find a stream 😦

  20. Irishgunner says:

    found one in Turkish or something

  21. peachesgooner says:

    Lots of possession Irish……we’re commiting lots of men forward and will probably get hit on the break unfortunately but at the moment no score

  22. peachesgooner says:

    Theo is so faaaaaaaaasssssssssttttttttt

  23. peachesgooner says:

    Very annoying commentator is referring to Fran as merryda

  24. Irishgunner says:

    😆 Song wins ball, man falls over = free kick!!

  25. London says:

    Will someone shoot that commentator

  26. Irishgunner says:

    I’m trying to find a link in English now Peaches for 2nd half.

    Doing fine so far.

  27. peachesgooner says:

    If we want to score we’re gonna have to hit them on the break ……..I can’t see us passing the ball into the net through their defence

  28. London says:

    Looks like Avenell Road snow to me.

  29. peachesgooner says:

    London 🙂

  30. Rasputin says:

    Hi Roadsters,

    Ramsey running the midfield.
    Song the least accurate passer.
    LJ trying to beat 1 player too many. Theos firs touch just letting him down.
    Vela and Merida v strong in the tackle.
    Almunia doesn’t come out enough, Fabianski goes on suicide missions 😉

  31. Irishgunner says:

    Found a better link but still not in English – probably better off with no stupid commentators annoying me.

  32. kelsey says:

    will someone shoot, never mind the commentator.

    Very composed so far.

    Fabianski is the man

    Ramsey WILL be a star

    Vela (cough)

    Walcott (double cough)

  33. kelsey says:

    are you watching the same game as me rasp, must be the snow you are having.

  34. Irishgunner says:

    Do ye lot not think Vela falls over with the slightest bit of contact???

  35. peachesgooner says:

    Hey rasp – you’ve got a new avatar 🙂

  36. rico says:

    We are very good though, but again lack a plan B 😉 😉

    Theo will score ……………one day 😉

  37. kelsey says:

    yes he does irish, and good morning

  38. Rasputin says:

    Hi kelsey,

    We only disagreed on fabianski. I still think he’s better than al and he has had quite a good game, its just that sometimes he comes out when he should stay on his line.

  39. kelsey says:

    pigs will fly 😉

  40. kelsey says:

    that was about theo not you rasp 😉

  41. Irishgunner says:

    Morning Kelsey 🙂

  42. peachesgooner says:

    Theo will score Theo will score Theo will score

  43. kelsey says:

    I would quite like to score, peaches 😉

  44. kelsey says:

    off to watch the second half,goodnight or good morning to you all

  45. avenell says:

    Irish.. take your pick if it’s any help.. and bollox 😦


  46. peachesgooner says:

    Evening ave – was it your fault that the Greeks have scored 😛

  47. avenell says:

    Everything else is.. 😦

  48. Rasputin says:

    Olympiacos score, Vela misses a sitter after excellent play by Ramsey……..

  49. peachesgooner says:

    Oh poo, great chance for Vela to score – wonderful ball from Rambo……

  50. peachesgooner says:

    Snap 😀

  51. Rasputin says:

    Theo = The o’ver-rated 😦

  52. Irishgunner says:

    its okay Avenell cheers – have a stream that is working great, I’ll get over the lack of commentary.

    Defending right out of the 1st team.

    Terrible miss by Vela.

  53. avenell says:

    I hope that’s the sound of a bindipper first team leg..

    Meant in the nicest possible way. 😉

  54. peachesgooner says:

    Theo has only played 2 and a half hours of competetive football this season………

  55. avenell says:

    That’s cost around £2 million in wages..

  56. Rasputin says:

    Yea peaches, the rest of the time he’s been extremely un-competitive 😦

  57. Irishgunner says:

    Nice ball from Ramsey – he’s playing well.

  58. Rasputin says:

    Ramsey makes a through pass as good as anything I’ve seen cesc produce….

  59. avenell says:

    Why is the commentator making stupid voices listing our subs bench?

    I might join Irish on the turkish stream..

  60. peachesgooner says:

    Thats rubbish, the commentator just said that Vieira was the only foreign player in Arsenes first squad – what about Dennis Bergkamp?

  61. Irishgunner says:

    and Remi Garde

  62. Irishgunner says:

    Avenell – I like the way the commentator rolls his Rs when he says Ramsey, keeps me happy 🙂

  63. Rasputin says:

    Vela having a nightmare in front of goal.

  64. rico says:

    Theo looks as if he really wants football, bearing in mind how long he has been out for so long, I forgive him… But I still believe he will be awesome…..

  65. Rasputin says:

    Great save by Fabianski – he’s defintely better than Al….

  66. rico says:

    Agree Rasp, more confident..

    Vela reminds of Pires in his first season 😉

  67. rico says:

    I love Song 😆

  68. avenell says:

    Marc Overmars
    Emmanuel Petit
    Luis Boa Morte
    Gilles Grimandi
    Alex Manninger
    Alberto Mendez-Rodriguez

    I thought that Peaches a few more names that we may have included..

  69. Rasputin says:

    LJ off, maybe a spell on loan will do him good. His talent is undeniable but his decision making needs to be honed.

  70. rico says:

    Rasp – where is Luke Freeman 😉 😉 😉

  71. Irishgunner says:

    feck sake someone else take the free kicks

  72. Rasputin says:

    I take back everything I said about Fabianski coming out – he’s stopped us conceding two goals by doing just that ….

  73. Irishgunner says:

    They all came in the summer Rasp, Wenger only bought Garde and Vieira in Oct and the Anelka in Jan I think

  74. Rasputin says:

    😛 rico ..

  75. rico says:

    I was too scared to voice something similar Rasp, he needs to harden up, learn that others will close him down and be a bit more ruthless….

    Reading would love him 😉

  76. Rasputin says:

    You’re confusing me with someone else Irish 😕

  77. Irishgunner says:

    I meant Avenell 😳

  78. rico says:

    We are fab until we get to the last bit – remind you of anything….. 😦

  79. Rasputin says:

    You can’t tell me and ave apart … we do a fantastic Dolly Parton impersonation double-act

  80. avenell says:

    Viera came in 96′ before we won the Prem in 97/98.

    So we wouldn’t have qualified for the CL until 98′-99′

  81. rico says:

    No Freeman Rasp, but Sunu 😉 😉

  82. avenell says:

    Right said Rasp!

  83. rico says:

    The kids are tired 😦 😦

  84. Irishgunner says:

    You do look like Dolly Parton … maybe a bit taller.

    Didn’t realise it was CL squad Avenell, thought it was just the first squad.

  85. Rasputin says:

    Sunu’s done very well. Merida almost there but doesn’t pull the trigger .. FFS Shhooooootttttt

  86. rico says:

    Got to go all

    See you tomorrow

  87. Rasputin says:

    I’m too sexy for my avatar…

  88. avenell says:

    We had Petit, Overmars, Vieira, Petit, Anelka, Garde etc over a year before we ever got into the CL..

    They was all with us when we did the double..

    I saw them on the open top bus.. The good old days. 🙂

  89. avenell says:

    Theo’s down.. here we go again.

  90. Irishgunner says:

    Theo injured 😯

  91. Irishgunner says:

    I saw them all on tv – the good old days 😀

  92. Rasputin says:

    What’s the betting Theo’s broken a metatarsal?

  93. peachesgooner says:

    They don’t know what they’re talking about these commentators…….the game against Burnley is not our game in hand……t*****s

  94. Irishgunner says:

    No harm done least they kept plugging away – kind of..

  95. avenell says:

    Here we go too.. the statistic 4 defeats in 6 games.. yawn..

  96. Irishgunner says:

    LOL Peaches is getting angry 😆

  97. Irishgunner says:

    HA HA HA Liverpool beat Again 😆

  98. peachesgooner says:

    They def said first team not first team in the CL…….

    I’m not watching us on ITV again … 😦 😦 😦

  99. avenell says:

    Peaches.. shall I un-ban the ‘C’ word for you? 😉

  100. avenell says:

    I’m sure he said named squad in the CL..

  101. peachesgooner says:

    Its probably their fault that L’pool got knocked out

  102. peachesgooner says:

    Yes please – I’m furious, how could you tell 🙂

  103. peachesgooner says:

    No don’t, I’m too much of a lady 😆

  104. avenell says:

    You have counted to 10.. lol..

  105. peachesgooner says:

    They said first team in 1996 – so we weren’t in the CL then anyway……. bunch of idiots, from the moment I heard them call the devine Fran – MERRYDA……I knew they were rubbish……..

  106. avenell says:

    and Soooooooonooooo patronizing tossers..

  107. avenell says:

    Do you remember John Devine then Peaches? 😉

    Not much of a compliment..

  108. peachesgooner says:

    You’ve lost me ave – you should never try and side-track a woman in a fury 😆

  109. London says:

    What happened to the yummy one?

  110. avenell says:

    Divine was an Arsenal player from the seventies.. Irish I think..
    The Divine Fran.. 😉

  111. avenell says:

    Yummy one good leg.. one chocolate one.

  112. London says:

    I’ve been trying my hardest to give Theo the benifit of the doubt all season but I am fed up with it; he is crap, can’t control it, can’t pass it, crap.

    Song was excellent, ok one bad pass, but apart from that excellent.

    Fabianski does it for me.

    We may disagree on many things tonight but there is, I’m sure, one thing we all agree on and that is the star of the show…..Ladies and Gentleman I give you the soon to be best player in the world…….Aaron Ramsey.

  113. peachesgooner says:

    I looked him up ave and you’re very sharp tonight, he is John Devine and one day I might tell you about my overuse of the incorrect spelling of ‘devine’ 😆

  114. avenell says:

    While Theo wears an Arsenal shirt London. 😉

  115. peachesgooner says:

    Hear hear London – Aaron Ramsey is super fabulous 😀

  116. London says:

    Ok,ok smarty pants 😉

  117. peachesgooner says:

    The Yummy One failed tonight and what a shame as he had some good chances 😦

  118. avenell says:

    Peaches.. why are you so wound up.. was it the commentator?

  119. London says:

    When Theo missed his chances in the first half I was thinking that if they had fallen for the Yummy one we would be two up, Carlos, Carlos, Carlos, what happened? Ramsey put you through with the pass of the match and you did a Theo on me. Not a happy bunny at all.

  120. Irishgunner says:

    Ramsey is ace – overshadowing Wilshere big time – no slur on Wilshere at all but Ramsey is showig the benefit of playing for Cardiff before moving to us

  121. London says:

    And the commentator was a banned word.

  122. Irishgunner says:

    My “n” isn’t really working, have to bash the keyboard

  123. London says:

    I expected a tad more from Jackie Boy tonight, not enough of his passes were finding their man.

  124. peachesgooner says:

    I’m watching the news……..

    If a bank has a pool of £100m to pay out in bonus’ why would it not be unhappy if the chancellor now wants £50m for the right to pay the bonus’ in the first place.

  125. JonJon says:

    theos shit…how many times do we have to watch him play and realise that he has no fucking potential whatsoever….

    for a player of theos quality he should have been running the show tonight by himself… wonder kid my arse…

    eboues better..and thats saying it all…

  126. Anonymous says:

    Don’t forget Fabianski with your praise too Roadsters – he must replace Almunia now ….

  127. London says:

    He should have been running the show shouldn’t he

  128. London says:

    You’ve changed your avatar…..good choice

  129. peachesgooner says:

    Just the commentator ave….

  130. Rasputin says:

    Lost my last comment ….

    London, you can’t champion Ramsey … he’s mine 😛

    Hi JonJon,

    Fabianski for Arsenal’s No.1!!!!

  131. peachesgooner says:

    Shall I save my banking question for a quiet moment tomorrow…….

  132. London says:

    He was very good tonight, I have never seen him play ninety minutes that well.

  133. JonJon says:

    i think wengers ‘protection’of jack has ruined him a little…

    wengers tried to keep his ‘feet on the ground’ for too long and its affected his game…

    loss of confindence i think ……last year there was no chance of jack being loaned out and now all of a sudden hes available for loan…

    when a player is on fire you play him..not put him on the bench getting splinters for a year and say hes ‘not ready’ or you get results like what we are seeing now…

    wenger bigged him up gave him a squad number watched him tear teams like rangers and madrid to pieces and then lets him rot on the bench…but theo can earn a bumper contract and get straight back in the team after injury and hes a bag of crap…
    if jack doesnt make it i’ll blame wenger and forever hold it against him…

  134. London says:

    I can’t remember feeling this awe struck since the penny completely dropped and I fully realised what we had in Fabregas.

  135. London says:

    So JJ do you think he should go out on loan?

  136. JonJon says:

    sorry hi everyone..

    thanks london..

    thought alot of our players stood up well tonight..very impressed with rambo and fab2…

    theo was probably the best paid player in our shirt tonight and even bartley and cruise outshone him…

    garbage…absolute codswallop…

  137. London says:


    That was funny: shall I save my banking question?

  138. Rasputin says:

    Is anyone watching Klinsman on the telly being a pundit – he really looks like Wenger….

  139. JonJon says:

    i think he should london…to a coca cola league team though so he can tear that league to bits and get his confidence back…

    i reckon jacks pushed for the loan though..i reckon hes been banging on wengers door for over a year to deaf ears…and hes asked for a loan to prove himself…

    but if wenger would have played him when he was on fire from the start he would never need to go out on loan in the first place..

  140. London says:


    If you are up late tonight and are in the mood for writing the report please go for it.

  141. avenell says:

    Peaches.. do the banking question again..
    I think the answer depends on which bank the goverment baled out..

  142. London says:

    Night, night everyone.

  143. Irishgunner says:

    Bartley could be a good one in years to come

  144. JonJon says:

    heres my dream scenario…

    theos stays injured all season cos we dont need him cos he’s that crap…then he gets picked for england and pisses wenger off…scores a few goals for the three lions and makes himself a tasty 30mil player..

    and then we sell him to real…

  145. avenell says:

    Just watching the Dippers.. will the best fans in the world boo there players off.??? haha

  146. peachesgooner says:

    ave – the chancellor said he was going to levy a tax on the bankers bonus’s but hes asking for the banks to pay the tax not the bankers. So they’ve paid out bonus’s to the tune of £100m for example and now have to pay the chancellor £50m – I just wondered out loud if they would have paid out less in bonus’s had they known about the tax.

  147. peachesgooner says:

    Can you see it yet ave ……..

  148. avenell says:

    Have the banks paid out the bonuses yet ?

    I thought the main problem was we risk losing the best bankers to overseas companies like in Switzerland where high earners can negotiate their own tax rate which is far better than over here.

  149. rico says:

    Morning Roadsters

  150. rico says:

    All quiet so catch you later

  151. Edmond Dantes says:

    Morning Everybody

    In Arsene we Trust.
    Which other manager would have had the balls to play such a young team in an intimidating stadium like yesterday.

    I don’t know why Wenger is getting criticised for his team selection. If Vela had finished his chances we would have won. I was not too impressed with Walcott. I know he’s coming back from injury. But it seems as though he has not developed well enough in the last few seasons.

  152. London says:

    Morning Edmond

    Good comment

  153. Edmond Dantes says:


    What’s your opinion on Walcott?

    I’m really excited about Wilshere and Merida and I think AW should give them more first team action. If that happens, the pressure will be on Theo to up his game.

  154. Edmond Dantes says:

    Besides Jacky boy and Merida, Ramsey should see more action. He’s looked quite impressive this season.

  155. London says:


    If you go back to my 10:03 last night you will see my knee jerk reaction but if he is playing on Sunday I will, of course, be supporting him.

  156. Edmond Dantes says:


    I agree. I will also fully support any player who puts on the Arsenal shirt and gives 100%.

    But Walcott is not doing the business on the field. 2 or 3 years ago when he had the ball, there was always a buzz of anticipation from the crowd. That does not happen too much now.

  157. London says:

    Has everyone moved to another site and not told me?

  158. peachesgooner says:

    Hi all

    Very quiet day…..

    London you have inspired me to a new avatar, its just not up yet…….or maybe it is …. 😛

  159. London says:


    You still have Big Phil but I bet you have changed it to the Yummy One

  160. London says:

    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@…….tumble weed

  161. avenell says:

    Hi Roadsters..

    Just heard about this.. Lehmann has a wee during last nights CL game..

  162. London says:

    Only Jens, barking as ever, you gotta love him

  163. rico says:

    Hi all

    Vela has signed up then….

  164. rico says:

    Still quiet, catch you tomorrow…

  165. avenell says:

    We haven’t got any players left. 😦

  166. London says:

    Get ya boots Ave

  167. avenell says:

    Not my old Nike Charlie Nicholas’s..

    I need to break my metatarsal so I can claim on the insurance. 😉

  168. Irishgunner says:

    Arshavin up front Sunday – agh that has me smiling 😀

    We’ll see just how crap Carragher has gone now.

  169. peachesgooner says:

    Morning all

    Just popping in to see if my new avatar is up yet…..

  170. Irishgunner says:

    Still Phil

  171. Irishgunner says:

    Eboue out as well

  172. peachesgooner says:

    Hi Irish – how are you?

    Its changed on my screen, you’ll just have to wait I’m afraid 😦

    You must love the idea of a 4o’clock ko on sunday….

  173. peachesgooner says:

    It comes to something if we’re moaning that theres no Eboue …. 😀

  174. avenell says:

    Morning Peaches and Irish..

    Peaches.. it’s up on mine.. A strange choice 😉

  175. Irishgunner says:

    Hiya peaches

    Yep another 3am wake up Monday morning yipee 😦

    But its for the Arsenal so got to be done.

    I’d like this team:


    Sagna Gallas Vermaelen Traore

    Song Ramsey





  176. Irishgunner says:

    Hiya Avenell

    Agh I can’t see it Peaches 😦

    My formation is 4-2-1-2-1

  177. avenell says:

    That’s like sound checking a microphone 🙂

  178. peachesgooner says:

    Chocolate legs ave

  179. Irishgunner says:

    And yes Diaby isn’t a typo.

    Play him in behind Nasri and Arshavin. I say feck defending, both Gerrard and Torres are injured so lets just go all out attack

  180. avenell says:

    Aah got you now.. white and normal..

  181. Irishgunner says:

    No that would be a 1-2-1-2-1-2-1-1 😆

  182. avenell says:

    There was talk of Gerrard joining his mate Alonso at RM on the radio..

  183. Irishgunner says:

    Peaches what is in your pic??

    I wanna know *stomps feet in childish manner* and I wanna know NOW

  184. avenell says:

    Irish.. it looks like one of those chevron signs that are put on sharp corners that the boy racers smash there Saxo’s into.. 😉

  185. Irishgunner says:

    Gerrard is too old now – he missed his chance, no league title for him MUHAHAHAHAHA

  186. Irishgunner says:

    Oh …. that’s am … different 😆

  187. Irishgunner says:

    Everyone just disappears….

  188. avenell says:

    sorry about that I had a customer come around..

    Good article as usual Irish.. Doesn’t any Aussie newspapers need an arsenal expert?

  189. Irishgunner says:

    I wish they did 😦

  190. Irishgunner says:

    I was entertaining myself watching some goals on Youtube.

    RvP has scored some beauties, still love that was against Charlton.

    Going to watch some DB10 now.

  191. avenell says:

    Have a look at some of Wrighty’s.. they are up there with the best..

  192. Irishgunner says:

    Just did 🙂

    He loved juggling and lobbing/shooting.

    He was always full of fun on the pitch, loved watching Wrighty play.

  193. Irishgunner says:

    Wright is the reason I started supporting Arsenal, probably mentioned it before.

  194. avenell says:

    He used to bound along with energy.. Michael Thomas used to be like that when he was at his best.

  195. Irishgunner says:

    Well, pleasure as always but I must be off to bed, chat soon, if not tomorrow I’ll be around during match time Monday morning 😉

  196. avenell says:

    Cheers Irish .. goodnight,,

  197. Rasputin says:

    Morning Roadsters,

    I was totally unaware of Sagna’s sadness – this exlains a lot about his performances aover the last couple of years….

    “Arsenal defender Bacary Sagna will get another stark reminder that football is not everything, when he wakes up ahead of the key clash against the Reds tomorrow.

    Almost two years ago, France international Sagna’s older brother, Omar, died aged just 28.

    He is honest enough to admit that for 12 months afterwards nothing else seemed to matter. Sagna missed Omar’s funeral and returned to England just a week after his death to play in the first leg of Arsenal’s Champions League tie against AC Milan.

    But he has only recently properly learned to deal with his brother’s death and the experience has understandably left him a changed man.

    “Even now, every day I wake up and I think of my brother but eventually I grew up and I changed,” said Sagna.

    “At first, I didn’t care about anything and I couldn’t focus. I just didn’t care and I was fed up. I was always thinking, thinking, thinking.

    “When I was young, my biggest fear was to lose someone from my family so when it happened I was shocked and I didn’t believe it. For one year after my brother’s death I had problems to stay focused, even in training, and I wouldn’t talk about what happened.

    “I was very bad and even last year I was still very bad. I wasn’t enjoying anything. I talked to my wife, but only time really helped. I will never, never forget what happened, but you learn to deal with it.”

  198. avenell says:

    Morning Rasp..

    I remember it rasp, it was just after the ANC.
    and instead of Arsene playing Eboue at RB, he moved Toure across.
    This completely disrupted our defence.
    When you think we was only 4 points (I think) off top spot we are certainly unlucky.
    In fairness to Defoe he has had the same problem and come out fighting.

  199. JonJon says:

    is anyone about?? i have a post if anyone wants to read it?

    a bit controversial though!!!

  200. avenell says:

    Hi jonjon.. yeah rock and roll..

  201. peachesgooner says:

    I’m here, i’ll read it ………….

  202. JonJon says:

    i have spoken lol

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