Oh Arsene .. You are such a Smart Arse!

Before the season started Mr Wenger OBE said this would be the closest Premiership title race for years.
Yet Abramovich’s chequebook was beginning to prove him wrong.
But ‘wow’ what a day we had yesterday. Man City the draw kings drew, The top 4 Spuds lost, The Bancrupts from Salford lost even with the scouse version of Jacques Cousteau in the team . I always thought we could catch that mob, ..But perhaps not Chelsea, they have been on another level this season, but even they are showing vulnerability.. No Essien no win.. No Essien until February so fingers crossed..

But those results won’t mean anything unless we can capitalize today against the Bindippers. And this is a good a time to play them as any. Torres not yet match fit, Gerrard needs an operation on his groin but Rafa cannot risk it, so he stays half fit and the rest of the squad are unhappy, Barbel wants out, Mascherano won’t sign an extension to his current deal. It isn’t looking good up there and I love it.

I have hated the Scousers since the days of the silly moustaches and the Afro’s (sorry Mr Sunderland) .. Since then they have got us chucked out of Europe and ruined the atmosphere in our grounds, they have helped take football out of the reach of the working classes which is ironic, so really they should be the most hated team in England.

We need a win today, it puts us on a football high, all those past weeks of losing to Sunderland etc will be put behind us and quashed in one weekend. It’s what being a supporter is all about good days and bad days .

But the main reason for winning and being excited is, if we win tomorrow and our game in hand . we would only be 3 points behind Chelsea, we also have a relatively easy run for a bit to keep the points rolling in so without putting too much pressure on, a win would be great and bring the season back to life. Not that it is as bad as some are talking.

I just hope that we are up for it because Liverpool will be, even if we play some of our non favourite players as long as they work hard we should get a result today.

AA is bound to score and a couple from the midfield will do very nicely today, I won’t even try to pick a team as I don’t know who we have left un- injured.

I am hoping our third choice left back can run rings around England’s No1 right back and he will need to keep his eye on Kuyt too.

Vermaelen should be able to handle Torres, it just depends on who Arsene picks to run the midfield.. Please let it be Song and not the Statman..

I am still going for a 3-1 win…

Have a good day ladies and gentlemen..

242 Responses to Oh Arsene .. You are such a Smart Arse!

  1. JonJon says:

    nice post ave,

    i’ll go for 0-2

    torres isnt even fit but rafa needs him…a few early kicks from tv and torres wont last the first half…

    i totally agree it was the dippers that ruined the atmosphere at the grounds…

  2. avenell says:

    Are you about for tomorrows match report?

  3. JonJon says:

    anyone think that manny will have a big game today??

    usually when one of our players takes a pasting for so long he normally pulls out a performance of a lifetime at some point..hope todays the day and we knock a couple in at the other end…

    probably theo…lol

  4. JonJon says:


  5. avenell says:

    I am going for a Nasri masterclass.. he owes us one.

    I love it on the radio this morning, Talk Sport have done everything they can to avoid the diving issue but Arsenal supporters just won’t let it rest..

    Gerrard dives 3 times in a game yet Eduardo does it once in his career and you lot want to hang him..lol

    Then they said we, meaning us the English and Irish..

    no mate Ireland is a different country Quinny..

    I’ll leave the match report with you then JJ.. okay? 🙂

  6. JonJon says:

    lol…give that man a medal..

    yeah ave i’ll do it..

  7. raif says:

    right lads im off as i need to do some stuff before my house gets full before the game

    till next time lads 🙂

  8. avenell says:

    Did you see match of the day? Shearer and Hanson must of forgot that they was shown a diving Rodney.. 😉

  9. avenell says:

    Yeah cheers Raif.. pop in when you can mate..

  10. JonJon says:

    what station is talkshite ave? ive never heard it..wana listen to them

  11. JonJon says:

    yeah i watched it ave…i wasnt surprised but i watched it for that reason alone…

    seeya raif..hang in there my man

  12. avenell says:

    I don’t know if you could handle such an anti Arsenal station JJ..

    Collymore hates us Quinny hates us and Alan Brazil.. I have nothing against arsenal, they play lovely football.. BUT!!

    Here you go.. or 1089mw


  13. JonJon says:

    got it..cheers..

    jeremy kyle?????

  14. avenell says:

    Wrong time to listen.. Mornings in the week are best 6am on.. Hawksbee and Jacobs are funny in the afternoon..

    If you like being wound up listen to Durham in the afternoon.. he used to have wrighty with him.. Now he has Goughy trying to make football like cricket..

  15. JonJon says:

    lol i was abit miffed at first..i wanted to hear collymore

  16. JonJon says:

    im gunna ring in too…

  17. avenell says:

    I’ll phone them and tell them to change the timetable for you.. 😉

  18. JonJon says:

    i dont think id last long on there…id lose my rag.. collymores one of those ppl on my list of footballers i want to kick the shit out of…

    alan smith
    daren fletcher

    my top 5

  19. avenell says:

    Bryan Robson
    Glenn Hoddle
    David Beckham
    Roy Keane
    Ruud v Horseface..

    Crumbs only 5.. 😉

  20. JonJon says:

    theres loads ave..

    but a top 5 stops the list from being longer than long 😉

    some days it will change and neville and gerrard will work there way in..depends how i feel

  21. avenell says:

    A bit of Ashley.. and a bit of shearer would be creeping in.. 😉

  22. avenell says:

    Oh and Ade.. c’mon..

  23. ganesh says:

    Hi guys .. Has been a grt week end for us … Hope it gets bettr today 🙂

  24. avenell says:

    Hi ganesh.. how you watching the game?

  25. ganesh says:

    Dude n btw is Adriano really on a free transfer .. Then hope we get him .. He’s tall 6ft 3in n strong n has one helluva left foot .. But i guess he’s injury prone n can we risk him considering he’s cumin as a replacement for an injured one .. But i wan him to remain fit n we sign him .. I think he’s bettr than most of the rumours we r linked wit .. He was a devastating striker some time back!!

  26. ganesh says:

    ESPN mate !!

  27. Rasputin says:

    Hi Roadsters,

    OOooohh lists – can I join in?

    5 most hated players not connected with Arsenal still playing

    Stephen Hunt (rhyming slang)
    Lee Bowyer
    Joey Barton
    Robby Savage
    Craig Bellamy

  28. avenell says:

    I don’t watch too many games other than english ones so I don’t really know if his is still any good.

    We could do worse than getting Jay Simpson back.. he’s doing alright at QPR..

  29. ganesh says:

    Oh even i don ach much othr than the english games but he’s played well for brazil n okie for inter .. Anyway one of the nice options to have for Wenger 🙂

  30. avenell says:

    Afternoon Rasp.. Do you get to see the game live?

  31. JonJon says:

    hiya rasp

    yup joey bartons a good shout, hes nothing but a bully and a coward…

    hi ganesh…adranio was a good player but the reason he went back to brazil is cos his father died not so long back and he became an alcoholic…

    he turns up to training when he wants and thats the reason inter let him go…

    i dont think he wants to leave brazil anyway..his lifes abit of a mess at the minute…i dont think its a risk wenger will take

    but yes the adriano of 2-3 years ago would have been good…

  32. JonJon says:

    ave…milan are on espn now and flaminis on the bench again…

  33. avenell says:

    What a waste.. 😦

  34. avenell says:

    I didn’t bother with ESPN in the end..

  35. Rasputin says:

    Hi ave,

    No, I’m at work today so just the BBC website to dip into once in a while.

    Hi JonJon, AW’s making more negative sounds over signing a striker in January. Sol Campbel may be the only one if TV or Gallas pick up a serious injury

  36. avenell says:

    Someone said Sol last year for Portsmouth was miles too slow, overweight and unfit.. so I don’t see it happening..

    You know he is slow if Silvestre can outrun him 😉

  37. JonJon says:

    yeah its hard to believe wenger when he says hes looking for someone..especially when he starts saying he wont pay this and he cant find that…normally it means we’ll make do with what weve got but i’ll say it anyway to keep u all happy…

    this thing with the robin compo issue interests me though…

    we make enough money as it is so we dont really need to make a compo claim…unless wenger plans to buy a new striker and he wants someone else to pay for it…

    if we succeed in our claim and the dutch are forced to pay up we could see a signing….its rumoured we could get upto 20mil..

  38. JonJon says:

    i know i wouldnt have sol back…i dont see how hes any better then silvestre or senderos for that matter..

  39. avenell says:

    The same lawyers freed Eduardo.. 🙂

    I don’t think we are approaching this from the correct angle..

    The FA pay compensation to English players so I think we should go down the EU law route.

    I cannot see us getting £20 mill because an hospital misread the severity of the injury. At the end of the day it wouldn’t have got him back much earlier..

  40. JonJon says:

    yeah i cant see us getting that much..

    how much did newcstle get for owen??? that could give us some sort of benchmark for what we are looking at..

  41. avenell says:

    £10 million I think..

    If we don’t get the same, then that could stop english clubs from wanting to sign foreign players.. which is against the principles of the EU free market.. 😉

  42. JonJon says:

    you should have been a lawyer ave… 😉

    isnt gazidis a lawyer…we could come up trumps on this one

  43. avenell says:

    That could save me a few quid at the minute..

    He has a degree in law .. I just had a look at wiki..

  44. JonJon says:

    eu contract law i believe…from oxbridge… 😉

  45. avenell says:

    And your starter for 10 Mr Gazidis..

  46. Rasputin says:

    Liverpool: Reina, Johnson, Carragher, Agger, Aurelio, Mascherano, Lucas, Kuyt, Gerrard, Benayoun, Torres. Subs: Cavalieri, Aquilani, Insua, Ngog, Degen, Skrtel, Dossena.
    Arsenal: Almunia, Sagna, Gallas, Vermaelen, Traore, Fabregas, Song Billong, Denilson, Walcott, Arshavin, Nasri. Subs: Fabianski, Diaby, Eduardo, Vela, Ramsey, Silvestre, Wilshere.
    Referee: Howard Webb (S Yorkshire)

  47. Rasputin says:

    Shame Almunia’s in goal and Song and Denilson both playing 😦 Let’s hope Theo finally realises his potential!

  48. JonJon says:

    id swap diaby for denilson but thats still a good team…

    need theo to do the business today…he owes us

  49. Rasputin says:

    I agree JonJon, I guess maybe Diaby isn’t match fit.

  50. kelsey says:

    Afternoon folks.

    I would prefer diaby to start, maybe he like another half a dozen aren’t match fit.Two key personnel for me.Traore will be targeted so he needs to be on his game and Theo finally needs to show something, anything.Cesc and denilson are the key to all our good moves,but Denilson needs to try something different than a five yard square pass.

    Let’s pray together 🙂

  51. JonJon says:

    guess not…but he is in the same mould as denilson..doesnt really offer the team much and is just there to make up the numbers…but id prefer a 6foot 3 number with abit of muscle than another pygmy number..if you get me…

  52. JonJon says:






    not bad really…

  53. Irishgunner says:


  54. JonJon says:

    two liverpool leg-ends on the panel…

    wonder why????

  55. peachesgooner says:

    Hi guys

    What the f……………………

    Song and Denilson together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. peachesgooner says:

    Morning Irish 🙂

  57. JonJon says:

    hey irish…

    glad you made it… 😉

  58. peachesgooner says:

    Can you see them yet, actually with a red background they look a bit seedy – that wasn’t the intention 😳

  59. JonJon says:

    come on you gunners…

    you’ll never get a job, sign on, sign on….

    tear them shit head tracksuit wearing bindipping wheel trim steeling tossers a new arsehole…

  60. kelsey says:

    peachtart very nice 🙂

  61. London says:

    Best choice of team for me. I agree with yesterday’s post but there is nothing that would make me more happy than to be proved wrong. The dippers will come onto us which will give us space for Theo to run into. If we go one up we will have even more space. If we are drawing or losing and the they start defending deeper, bring on Eduardo; he works better in tight spaces.

    I am happy to start with both belt and braces because, yet again, they will come onto us and we will need them both.

    1-2 to the good guys

    If we win today we would have established a new attack, that to say a post RVP attack, we need this, we need this badly.

  62. kelsey says:

    someone on here said we will win 2-4. if they are right I have a big surprise for them. 😉

  63. avenell says:

    If we win 11-0 Birmingham can go above them..

    Hi ladies and gents..

  64. Irishgunner says:

    Morning guys – looking for a stream now…

    Still can’t see it Peaches, think its a problem my end

  65. kelsey says:

    Lucky for you irish, that avartar in Australia would be upside down, what would mummy think.

  66. JonJon says:

    The wheels on your house go round and round,
    round and roud,
    round and round.
    The wheels on your house go round and round,
    All day long 😉

  67. JonJon says:

    His half boy and half a girl, Torres Torres
    He looks like a tranvestite, Torres Torres.
    He wears a frock and sucks a cock
    He sells his arse on albert dock
    Fernando Torres, his Carraghers bits on the side

    La la la la la la

  68. Irishgunner says:

    I really beginning to worry about what your avatar is Peaches, Kelsey has me worried ….

  69. Irishgunner says:

    No Links 😯

  70. peachesgooner says:

    Nasris forgotten we’re playing in blue …..

  71. peachesgooner says:

    peachtart 😆

  72. Rasputin says:

    If Arshavin scores today and we win, I’m definitely changing my avatar back 😕

  73. avenell says:

    C’mon sort it out.. Song, sponge bob square pass and theo ain’t working..

  74. avenell says:

    hahah best striker in europe…

  75. peachesgooner says:

    Thats good Torres can’t finish either

  76. JonJon says:

    whats the point in playing denilson and song if neither of them are going to sit back???

  77. Rasputin says:

    Peaches … is Mascerano being a dirty ‘B’ ?

  78. peachesgooner says:

    oooooooh we got off lucky there

  79. JonJon says:

    should have been a pen…pool are all over us at the minute..we need to sit back a bit and calm it down

  80. avenell says:

    That’s what you get if you are a serial diver.. nowt

  81. Irishgunner says:

    Finally – thanks Avenell 😀

  82. peachesgooner says:

    We’re holding onto the ball for much to long in midfield rasp – Mascherano is attacking the ball and we’re making it easy……

  83. Irishgunner says:

    If Gerrard wasn’t a big cheating bastard i general he would have got that penalty

  84. Rasputin says:

    OK Arsene – deploy plan B …. errrrrrr

  85. JonJon says:

    were not closing down like liverpool are..

  86. peachesgooner says:

    Theo needs to receive the ball deeper and make a mug of their left-back cos they’re closing him down so quickly

  87. JonJon says:

    dissapointing so far…the players dont want it…simple

  88. Irishgunner says:

    A new goalie pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease

  89. JonJon says:

    almunias still shit with floaters..

  90. Rasputin says:

    Haven’t heard much of AA yet? FFS someone teach Sagna how to cross a ball – or replace him!!!

    If only we had a mascherano / flamini typoe player to ‘boss the midfield’

    I can feel a goal coming and its not for us 😦

  91. peachesgooner says:

    ‘shit with floaters’ JJ

  92. Irishgunner says:

    Good man Denilson – seems Mascherano is out now

  93. JonJon says:

    good…mascheranos injured…

    our players might have a chance now…

    weve been shit…this is the worst ive seen us play since last years humiliation by manure…

    none of the guys want it…

  94. Rasputin says:

    Almunia out, Fabianski in … WAKE UP Wenger ….

  95. peachesgooner says:

    Oh dear Gallas injured

  96. Rasputin says:

    😦 Denilson didn’t kick him hard enough

  97. peachesgooner says:

    We are so static – whats happened to our passing ….

  98. peachesgooner says:

    Next time rasp

  99. avenell says:

    Walcotts the worst player we have on the pitch today..

  100. JonJon says:

    oh dear…were being taken to the cleaners…

    were looking like a sunday league team out there…

    wheres cesc???

  101. JonJon says:

    manny manny manny..what were you doing…

  102. peachesgooner says:

    Almunias decision making is rubbish

  103. Rasputin says:

    Almunias s**t and if Arsene can’t see that, then he’s s**t too (when it comes to goalkeepers 😕 )

  104. JonJon says:

    at least weve had a shot

  105. avenell says:

    and wingers…

  106. JonJon says:

    make that two

  107. JonJon says:

    we need half time and we need to make a change cos we are being stuffed

  108. Irishgunner says:

    Awful, awful, awful

  109. avenell says:

    They need a kick up the arse.. close and work..

  110. JonJon says:

    lucas and masch are doing what song and denilson need to do…again whats the point in playing them both when neither of them are doing what they are supposed to do…

    no contest..we are looking poor…

  111. peachesgooner says:


  112. JonJon says:

    almunias a aload of shit..

  113. JonJon says:

    bottless ponce…

  114. Irishgunner says:

    just f off now almunia

  115. Irishgunner says:

    ramsey for denilson at half-time or wenger can go with almunia to spain – this is crap AGAIN

  116. peachesgooner says:

    He didn’t fist it, he didn’t catch it – hes bloody useless

  117. avenell says:

    How can you not be interfering with play standing in the middle of the goalline?

  118. Rasputin says:

    I’ve totally had enough of Wenger …… 100’s of thousands of fans can’t be wrong. He’s lost the plot if he can’t see the difference between a good player and a liability……

  119. Irishgunner says:

    That’s a red card….

  120. JonJon says:

    what was that supposed to be manny? it wasnt a punch it wasnt a catch it wasnt even a flap..

    he just dived through the air and the ball bounced off him and he fell over…

    ship him out..hes gone thats it no more fucking chances..

  121. avenell says:

    He didn’t what Peaches? 😯

  122. Irishgunner says:


  123. JonJon says:

    why is denilson playing in walcotts position??

  124. peachesgooner says:

    What did I say 😳

  125. avenell says:

    Neither should have a position.. catching splinters.. 😦

  126. peachesgooner says:

    To be fair Theo has whipped in a couple of great crosses

  127. Irishgunner says:

    Almunia = crap
    Sagna = can’t cross
    Vermaelen/Gallas = okay
    Traore = crap
    Denilson = crap
    Song = crap
    Fabregas = he has no space cos our 1 in 2 player aren’t doing their job
    Nasri = crap
    Arshavin = not getting the
    Walcott = £60k we could spend elsewhere a week, awful

    Do ya think Wenger might bring on Ramsey, a player actually playing well at the moment?

  128. Irishgunner says:

    crosses that keep picking out liverpool players

  129. peachesgooner says:

    Bet you’re pleased you woke up for this Irish ……

  130. avenell says:

    When Denilson and Song play Arsene turns Fabregas into a Gerrard type player.. he’s our quarterback..

  131. London says:

    I don’t ever want Almunia to play for us again and Theo’s control is laughable. No link between the mid and the attack what so ever.

  132. peachesgooner says:

    Thats only because no one else is making any runs….

  133. peachesgooner says:

    I hope Almunia is crushed and asks not to come out for the 2nd half…….

  134. JonJon says:

    shit..piss poor..im not even bothering to watch the second half im off to make my dinner…

    if they cant be arsed to play i cant be arsed to watch…

    im not watching this shit..they dont even want it..bottleless spineless shits…

  135. peachesgooner says:

    Almunia jumped but didn’t leave the ground – whats that all about …………

  136. JonJon says:

    that piece of goalkeeping was the worst ive ever seen…hes a ponce…a bottleless ponce…

    DROP HIM FOR GOOD…thats it…no more chances..

  137. Irishgunner says:

    Delighted Peaches….

    Wenger’s getting on my nerves a bit to be honest. He keeps moaning at the fourth official when really he should piss off and buy a keeper that is not afraid of his shadow, stop playing Song and Denilson together, put Walcott on the bench and put a bit of flipping pride into his players….

    Oh and if he has time, teach our players how to cross and head, its called the basics of football.

  138. JonJon says:

    the fucking league title is up for grabs…all our rivals have dropped points and we go out and play like we have nothing to play for…

    tossers the lot of them theyve all been shit…

    liverpool have been crap all year and they just tore us to bits…

    i wish i was in that fucking dressing room right now…

  139. Irishgunner says:

    ” i wish i was in that fucking dressing room right now…” you’d be told how much potential you have 🙄

  140. JonJon says:

    wenger wouldnt be able to get a word in edgeways irish…

    sod potential..i wanna see some fight…

  141. avenell says:

    Haha good old OG..

  142. peachesgooner says:

    Yes yes yes yes – lucky lucky arsenal

  143. avenell says:

    Og is a better finisher than Walcott.. lol..

  144. JonJon says:

    i go put the oven on come back and weve scored… how???

  145. JonJon says:

    dont matter…dinner can wait…

    now lets see some fucking bottle boys…we got some luck were back in the game…take advantage..

  146. Irishgunner says:

    We didn’t really score JJ, they did but still counts LOL

  147. peachesgooner says:

    Sagna just let Torres waltz past him …………..

    JJ get back into the kitchen 😆

  148. avenell says:

    I can never eat when we play anyway..

    Great time for the goal..

  149. JonJon says:

    perfect timing.. 😉

    cesc snapped?????

  150. JonJon says:

    reina just showed manny how you do it…

    we look better though..

  151. Irishgunner says:

    Ramsey for Denilson … or Walcott

  152. Irishgunner says:

    you fucking genius

  153. JonJon says:


    what a fucking goal…

    keep composed now lads the next 10mins are vital…

  154. avenell says:

    Who put the ball in the scouser net (again) Andrey, Andrey..

    We know a song about that.. 🙂

  155. peachesgooner says:

    OMG what a goal – amazing

  156. avenell says:

    Under pressure..

  157. peachesgooner says:

    Wheres rasputin gone – he must be changing his avatar 🙂

  158. avenell says:

    Time for a Gerrard dive..

  159. JonJon says:

    hes just dynamite..does nothing for ages and then produces something like that…

  160. Irishgunner says:

    With all Gerrard’s diving he’s bound to win a penalty

  161. avenell says:

    Or a Gold medal…

    He won’t get sports personality of the year daly is the only diver in the top 10..

  162. peachesgooner says:

    Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Irish perish the thought …

  163. Irishgunner says:

    For such a good player he’s a terrible cheat – worse tha Drogba, Drogba just dives, Gerrard dives and tries to break legs

  164. avenell says:

    and DJ bully..

  165. avenell says:

    and he runs kids over..

  166. avenell says:

    Good! Theo off..

  167. peachesgooner says:

    Bit nervy now 😦

  168. peachesgooner says:

    Has Diaby touched the ball

  169. JonJon says:

    one thing we dont wanna do is sit back

  170. JonJon says:

    more than theo did peaches..

  171. JonJon says:

    thats a good change for us by benitez benayoun off

  172. avenell says:

    But’s that what we all say we should do.. lol..

    Don’t go gun ho..

  173. Irishgunner says:

    oooh I can’t watch

  174. JonJon says:

    lol..dont do either…nows the time for crab footy..

  175. Irishgunner says:

    Webb is trying hard to help them…

  176. JonJon says:

    something tells me we havent missed diaby all that much…lol

  177. peachesgooner says:

    Riding our luck now…….. why can’t we keep possession

  178. JonJon says:

    webb hasnt been too bad..

    we got alot of decisions, especially in the first half..

  179. avenell says:

    Gerrard sussed out by Song lol…

  180. JonJon says:

    troare injured…

    get tweety on quick

  181. Irishgunner says:

    He needs a haircut too JJ 😆

  182. JonJon says:


  183. peachesgooner says:

    Who’d be a left-back for Arsenal – its a cursed position…..

  184. Irishgunner says:

    Our LB position is cursed

  185. JonJon says:

    cesc did well then..if your going to give them the ball let them have it by their own flag

  186. peachesgooner says:

    Snap 😛

  187. JonJon says:

    why did diaby do that???

  188. peachesgooner says:

    Why play that ball Diaby…..we wat to keep possession now ………….

  189. JonJon says:

    slowly lads slowly…keep it in the corner

  190. Irishgunner says:

    Andrey 😦

    Landed badly

  191. peachesgooner says:

    4 minutes – even Fergie only had 3 yesterday

  192. JonJon says:

    in all fairness liverpool have struggled with diabys height..weve won alot more balls in the middle

  193. Irishgunner says:

    Least AA23 ran off the pitch

  194. peachesgooner says:

    We only need to keep the ball now….we don’t have to score another goal……

  195. JonJon says:


    what a fucking great weekend to be a gunner….with cherries on top…

    and we were crap in the first half…

    the stuff of champions.. 😉

  196. London says:

    Get that Avatar changed Raspo

  197. peachesgooner says:

    OMG – what a result, what a great win for us……….

  198. Irishgunner says:


  199. JonJon says:

    im so pleased..about time we played shit and won..at liverpools expense too…


  200. avenell says:

    All the nations favourites lost and the arsenal foreigners won..

    What a weekend.. lol..

  201. peachesgooner says:

    Well that certainly wasn’t pretty was it – it wasn’t the sort of football we like to watch but we’re still in it……………….

    Come on you reds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  202. JonJon says:

    they wanna talk about respect all stevie g did was swear at webb all game…


  203. JonJon says:

    cesc just said wenger screamed at them at half time and said they didnt deserve to wear the shirt…

    top man arsene top man…

  204. peachesgooner says:

    You hear that – Arsene screamed at them and told them they didn’t deserve to wear the shirt…..

    JonJon did you write that speech for him 🙂

  205. peachesgooner says:

    JonJon thank goodness we’re posting at slightly different times 🙂

  206. Irishgunner says:

    Arsene I am impressed – he did what I told them to ha ha

    I’m so happy I won’t be able to go back to sleep

  207. JonJon says:

    yes peaches i telepathically got through to wenger and he told them what i would of told them.. 😉

  208. peachesgooner says:

    Smudger is sitting there really quiet ……

  209. JonJon says:

    this has been the turning point of the season..we are title contenders and they have to take notice..

    the confidence this game will bring is unbeleiveable

  210. JonJon says:

    i like wengers words..

    commitment pride quality…

  211. peachesgooner says:

    Not just in the players……just spoke to rasp and he laughed how he was calling for Arsenes head in the first half……………….

    If we play with guts and fight like in the 2nd half we’ll all be able to hold our heads high…..

  212. rico says:

    Well then, just how good do we all feel right now?

    And there were many players that didn’y play well either…

    Song was outstanding imho, and Denilson was good too…

    Arshavin did one thing right, and we all know what that was 🙂 🙂

    Hi everyone…

  213. peachesgooner says:

    Hi rico – how you love a dippers defeat 😛

  214. peachesgooner says:

    Our boys have got to come home tonight and then go to Burnley on Wednesday – who’s idea was that …..

  215. rico says:

    Hi peaches, you are spot on, any loss they suffer gives me great pleasure, but when it’s us that win, I could dance down the street…… 😛 😛

    How is your foot?

  216. London says:

    What a great goal, I thought we were going to get the return of Rasp’s Arshavin avatar.

  217. Irishgunner says:

  218. peachesgooner says:

    Not good rico thanks for asking ……

  219. Irishgunner says:

    LOL – watch the goal again, they all looked scared of Wenger especially Traore

  220. Rasputin says:

    AA avatar back on its way 😉 🙂 😛 😕

  221. peachesgooner says:

    Hi rasp – your man did real good today 😛 😀 😛

  222. rico says:

    For once the OBE man turned, what ever he said worked…

    Well done Arsene …

    peaches, i am sorry to hear that..

    catch you all again soon…

  223. Irishgunner says:

    I’m going to try and get some more sleep, laters all.

  224. avenell says:

    Thanks Irish.. 🙂

  225. peachesgooner says:

    Catch you later Irish ……

  226. Rasputin says:

    DB was a genius
    TH was a phenomenon
    AA is a genius

    MA is pants 😦

  227. avenell says:

    Any news on the injuries to Traore and Gallas?

  228. kelsey says:

    The lesson for today is not to comment at half time 😉

    We were diabolical in the first half and considering we played 6-4-0 we were lucky only to go down by one goal.
    Second half, Wenger gave them a bollocking(he said so in the post match intervie0 and liverpool surprised me by sitting back.Fortunate equalisr,but you won’t see a better goal all season from AA.then I thought, as I am sure most did, 30 minutes = to hang on,but we pressed and showed our physical side against a Pool team who surprisingly never recovered.

    Almunia is shocking, Theo lost every tackle, bar two crosses to no one, denilson might not as well be on the pitch,and as usual vermaelen and Gallas (to an extent had a good game).

    That line up was never one that was meant to win the game,but we did, and we are back in the mix,though traore is injured and if AA has a knock god knows who will play at Burnley.

    I am not fooled by the result,but 3 points are three points.

    What really annoyed me was the sky commentators and panel who spent 905 of the time discussing liverpool’s frailities.

  229. peachesgooner says:

    Hi kelsey

  230. Rasputin says:

    Hi kelsey,

    I disagree 😛 commenting at half time is fine …. AW obviously felt the same way and balled them out (quite rightly) and the result was a more pasionate battling performance in the second half.

    I have described being an Arsenal fan as similar to being bi-polar – we experienced the extreme highs and desperate lows all in this one game

  231. kelsey says:

    Hi peaches.

    Mark my words, Almunia’s days are numbered,he isn’t focused.

  232. Big Raddy says:

    Been away for a few days, got home today in time for the game, & at half time I wished I hadn’t bothered.


    A fine 3 points. Like Kelsey I am not going to be deceived by this result…. there was much missing from that performance. And we will have to be so much better to kick on from here.

    That said, it is churlish not to congratulate the players, and the Ref. Webb was great today.

  233. Rasputin says:

    Its very odd … those folks who are normally optmistic are being a bit down on the result and the converse is true of the pessimists – Moi? 🙄

    We won ugly. Maybe a game we didn’t deserve to win. We may now have to play games without one of our CB’s …… but we are back in contention to win something … you know .. try to remember …. actually win a trophy …….

  234. London says:

    Do you want a match report?

  235. JonJon says:

    have you got one london??

    i said id do one but to be honest i dont know how im going to get it on…

    if youve got one its all yours…

    i have no internet at home and im at work tomorrow and i cant stay here all night…

    so it would be of great help if you did the honours..

  236. London says:

    I got it JJ

  237. JonJon says:

    nice one london..look forward to it…

  238. London says:

    Publish and be damned, new post

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